Dear Caden,
Getting ready for bed tonight, we do our normal routine of reading you 2 books, changing into your jammies and brushing your teeth. You insisted on hugging Tiger and Lilly night-night, even though Lilly tried to run from you, you caught her. You then pressed your little nose up against the window and said, "Night, night moon. Night, night stars. Night, night lights (Christmas lights)." I want to capture this childhood innocence and pray that I never forget this. As you stare up in the sky, the moon reflecting in your eyes, I want to see what you see and feel what you feel. Absolute perfection.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Monday, November 26, 2012
Where'd it Go?
Dear Caden,
Lately you have been into the game of hiding things and afterwards say, "Where'd it go?" until said item is found-that is, if it is found. Your left shoe in the refrigerator, your sippy cup in Tiger's house, your socks in between the couch cushions, ect. Your diaper should not be one of these special hiding places. Especially when it is one of those diapers. Mommy was none to excited to find your moo cow, 4 cheerios, 2 crushed goldfish and a lego (where'd you find that to begin with?!). Disgusting.
Lately you have been into the game of hiding things and afterwards say, "Where'd it go?" until said item is found-that is, if it is found. Your left shoe in the refrigerator, your sippy cup in Tiger's house, your socks in between the couch cushions, ect. Your diaper should not be one of these special hiding places. Especially when it is one of those diapers. Mommy was none to excited to find your moo cow, 4 cheerios, 2 crushed goldfish and a lego (where'd you find that to begin with?!). Disgusting.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Left Shoe
Dear Caden,
Your left shoe is missing. Vanished. Absolutely nowhere to be found. Of course, this only happens when we are running late. I give up, open the fridge to grab your milk, and there it is . . . right next to your ball.
Your left shoe is missing. Vanished. Absolutely nowhere to be found. Of course, this only happens when we are running late. I give up, open the fridge to grab your milk, and there it is . . . right next to your ball.
Friday, November 23, 2012
The Turkey is a BIRD?!
Dear Caden,
I apologize for freaking you out by telling you that the turkey you were devouring was a bird. Not the best move on my part because now you appear traumatized and completely confused. Hopefully you will forget this by lunch time.
P.S. I will let you figure out for yourself where chicken nuggets come from.
I apologize for freaking you out by telling you that the turkey you were devouring was a bird. Not the best move on my part because now you appear traumatized and completely confused. Hopefully you will forget this by lunch time.
P.S. I will let you figure out for yourself where chicken nuggets come from.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Blyah, Blyah, Blyah
Dear Caden,
Lately you have been adding, "blyah, blyah, blyah" to your sentences and it is quite hysterical. This evening you leaned over the bathtub and told me, "blyah, blyah, blyah, bubbles." I add bubbles to your bath water and you promptly tell me, "blyah, blyah, blyah, hand Mommy." Not sure what you are wanting, I ask you. You then take my hand and fill it with bubbles. Ohhh, ok. I can do that. So, I start filling my hand with bubbles and suddenly you grab my hand, steering it to your mouth and start eating the bubbles. I try to convince you that this probably isn't the best idea, but to no avail. However, you look very, "blyah, blyah, blyah, adorable" rocking that bubble goatee.
Lately you have been adding, "blyah, blyah, blyah" to your sentences and it is quite hysterical. This evening you leaned over the bathtub and told me, "blyah, blyah, blyah, bubbles." I add bubbles to your bath water and you promptly tell me, "blyah, blyah, blyah, hand Mommy." Not sure what you are wanting, I ask you. You then take my hand and fill it with bubbles. Ohhh, ok. I can do that. So, I start filling my hand with bubbles and suddenly you grab my hand, steering it to your mouth and start eating the bubbles. I try to convince you that this probably isn't the best idea, but to no avail. However, you look very, "blyah, blyah, blyah, adorable" rocking that bubble goatee.
Go! Go! Go!
Dear Caden,
Daddy picked you up from Ms. Vickie's yesterday and said that you were quite talkative on the way home. You had passed by a park and saw all the joggers on the track and excitedly started saying, "Go! Go! Go!" Had I known that I would've had my own cheering section, perhaps I would've started exercising a long time ago (highly doubtful). Then you proceeded to tell Daddy to, "Go! Go! Go!", except your buddy, the Police Officer, was right behind Daddy (maybe next time).
Daddy picked you up from Ms. Vickie's yesterday and said that you were quite talkative on the way home. You had passed by a park and saw all the joggers on the track and excitedly started saying, "Go! Go! Go!" Had I known that I would've had my own cheering section, perhaps I would've started exercising a long time ago (highly doubtful). Then you proceeded to tell Daddy to, "Go! Go! Go!", except your buddy, the Police Officer, was right behind Daddy (maybe next time).
Monday, November 19, 2012
Nom, Nom, Nom
Dear Caden,
You cannot eat by feeding food to your belly button- no matter how hard you try. Telling it, "nom, nom, nom" won't help either. Your belly button isn't hungry and never will be.
You cannot eat by feeding food to your belly button- no matter how hard you try. Telling it, "nom, nom, nom" won't help either. Your belly button isn't hungry and never will be.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Thuggin' It
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Dear Caden,
Last week we took you to the Pediatrician because you were having difficulty breathing from all your congestion. Diagnosis: bilateral ear infections and RAD (respiratory airway disease). Treatment: antibiotics, breathing treatments Q4hrs, rescue inhaler and oral steroids. All I heard was steroids. On an already busy 2 yr old. Fabulous. Last night you were in bed singing and talking to yourself and Mr. SeaHorse until you crashed at 10:45pm. Dinner last night for you consisted of: 1 1/2 chicken breasts, baked beans, 1 taco, 4 waffles, 1 banana, a cup of dried cranberries and 2 cups of milk...and you were still asking for a snack. These steroids are something.
Last week we took you to the Pediatrician because you were having difficulty breathing from all your congestion. Diagnosis: bilateral ear infections and RAD (respiratory airway disease). Treatment: antibiotics, breathing treatments Q4hrs, rescue inhaler and oral steroids. All I heard was steroids. On an already busy 2 yr old. Fabulous. Last night you were in bed singing and talking to yourself and Mr. SeaHorse until you crashed at 10:45pm. Dinner last night for you consisted of: 1 1/2 chicken breasts, baked beans, 1 taco, 4 waffles, 1 banana, a cup of dried cranberries and 2 cups of milk...and you were still asking for a snack. These steroids are something.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Toilet Paper
Dear Caden,
I understand that technically, you did do exactly what I asked. However, when Mommy begs for you to bring her some toilet paper because Daddy left the roll nearly empty, please bring back more than just the corner of one square.
I understand that technically, you did do exactly what I asked. However, when Mommy begs for you to bring her some toilet paper because Daddy left the roll nearly empty, please bring back more than just the corner of one square.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Mary Poppins Purse
Dear Caden,
Purses are known to be a catch all for junk. Mommy's purse is similar to Mary Poppins purse- you never know when I will need to pull out that lamp. While transferring my things to a new purse I noticed that you have been adding a few things of your own for Mommy to keep safe. I just hope you aren't too attached to those cheerios, the pacifier with lint and dirt that you haven't used for a year and a half, the marker that has dried out, several crushed goldfish and a really icky looking piece of waffle.
Purses are known to be a catch all for junk. Mommy's purse is similar to Mary Poppins purse- you never know when I will need to pull out that lamp. While transferring my things to a new purse I noticed that you have been adding a few things of your own for Mommy to keep safe. I just hope you aren't too attached to those cheerios, the pacifier with lint and dirt that you haven't used for a year and a half, the marker that has dried out, several crushed goldfish and a really icky looking piece of waffle.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Dear Caden,
Today you had your 1 yr post-op appointment for your cranial surgery at Texas Children's Hospital. There were a lot of people in the waiting room and a few little people your age in which you quickly became friends. Both of your surgeons cleared you completely, saying that you will NOT need any additional surgeries! Thank you Jesus! Looking around the waiting room you could see child after child with various health conditions, some slight but many severe. My gaze wanders to you as you share your toy car with another child. My heart is so full of thanksgiving, I am speechless by God's goodness. You had to have major reconstructive skull surgery, but you are healthy and thriving. You are absolutely perfect in every way, shape or form. You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Today you had your 1 yr post-op appointment for your cranial surgery at Texas Children's Hospital. There were a lot of people in the waiting room and a few little people your age in which you quickly became friends. Both of your surgeons cleared you completely, saying that you will NOT need any additional surgeries! Thank you Jesus! Looking around the waiting room you could see child after child with various health conditions, some slight but many severe. My gaze wanders to you as you share your toy car with another child. My heart is so full of thanksgiving, I am speechless by God's goodness. You had to have major reconstructive skull surgery, but you are healthy and thriving. You are absolutely perfect in every way, shape or form. You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Dear Caden,
While I am standing in the kitchen, I suddenly hear you hollering out, "No, no, no! Ay, yi, yi! No, no, no!" I race outside to see what is wrong and there you are: you had undone the velcro straps of your shoes and had crawled onto the outside rug. The velcro was firmly stuck to the rug and every time you moved, the rug rolled on top of you. Apparently you didn't like this one bit.
While I am standing in the kitchen, I suddenly hear you hollering out, "No, no, no! Ay, yi, yi! No, no, no!" I race outside to see what is wrong and there you are: you had undone the velcro straps of your shoes and had crawled onto the outside rug. The velcro was firmly stuck to the rug and every time you moved, the rug rolled on top of you. Apparently you didn't like this one bit.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Nixing Naps
Dear Caden,
Yesterday Mommy went to celebrate Aunt Sam's baby shower and left you to play with Daddy. On my way back home, Daddy made the comment that you refused to take a nap. Due to the fact that you are getting bigger everyday, I told Daddy that this sometimes happens. However, when I asked Daddy how you ate your lunch he said that you refused to eat your chicken nuggets that Mommy lovingly baked for you before she left. Daddy said he didn't know what else to feed you, so he gave you left over donut holes from breakfast, which of course you inhaled. Perhaps this is why you didn't nap?
Yesterday Mommy went to celebrate Aunt Sam's baby shower and left you to play with Daddy. On my way back home, Daddy made the comment that you refused to take a nap. Due to the fact that you are getting bigger everyday, I told Daddy that this sometimes happens. However, when I asked Daddy how you ate your lunch he said that you refused to eat your chicken nuggets that Mommy lovingly baked for you before she left. Daddy said he didn't know what else to feed you, so he gave you left over donut holes from breakfast, which of course you inhaled. Perhaps this is why you didn't nap?
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Dear Caden,
I have been mulling over this letter for awhile now, trying to figure out the best way I should write this letter. The answer is clear, as it always is. I will write this letter from my heart.
America recently exercised it's ability to come together and vote for our next leader, the President of the United States. Our country believes in democracy. This was not a given right, it is one that was fought for, prayed for and believed in. When our country was just beginning, men and women gave their lives to ensure this belief came to fruition and many men and women since, have spilled their blood to maintain our chance at true freedom. We are America, the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. Our freedom, sadly, was not free and we must never forget that. I pray I teach you to honor those in the in the military, to stand proudly with your hand over your heart during the pledge of Allegiance and anytime the American flag is passed in front of you. Be proud of your heritage, be proud to be an American for it truly is a privilege.
Right now our country is divided. Our economy is weak and many people no longer have morals or values. Gone are the days of having a steady job and trying to better yourself by getting an education. People believe that everything should be given to them on a silver platter. That healthcare, housing, food and other amenities should be granted to them. We have the right to, "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." The key word is pursuit- we are not guaranteed happiness. So Caden, I want you to educate yourself, do something with your life. Make a difference in your world and always stand for what you believe in. Life is full of compromise, but you must never compromise your morals or ethics. In this house you will have chores, you will be expected to do your part. You will be expected to have manners and to treat everyone with kindness. You will be expected to be honest and you will donate your time to charitable causes with Mommy and Daddy. The house you live in is one of morals, values and love. I will be your friend, but I will be your mother first, and it is my responsibility to raise you into a good man. It will be a challenge as you will see other friends your age that have an easier life and may be given an easier road, but I have high expectations for you and I rise up and accept the challenge.
I do not believe that our country's faults can be fixed by electing one president over another. It would definitely make our country stronger and we would be more blessed if there was a man of integrity leading our great nation. Instead our country needs it's people to look at themselves individually and take stock of their lives. Our beautiful nation is turning rotten to the core because people no longer care. I pray that you reach out to your world and show them with your life and your actions, how amazing someone can really be. Show them what hard work and perseverance can do. Many people believe that only the corrupt move up in the world- prove them wrong. I believe that you can do anything that you set your mind to Caden. It may not always be easy, but that is life- play the cards you are dealt and play them to the best of your ability. Instead of clinging to the belief that if something goes wrong you are crippled in life, tell the world that this is just a stepping stone. All of us have baggage in our lives, find someone who loves you enough to help you unpack and move on. Your life, mistakes and all, is your story. How you choose to tell it is up to you. You can use it to help others or use it as a crutch. Be a true American and strive for the American Dream.
When you are of age to vote, I pray that you do. However, do not vote 'just because' and please do not vote without doing your research first. I will gladly help you do your research so that you can be educated. When you vote, stand by your choice. It is ok if you don't agree with my choice of who to vote for, as long as you know why you are choosing your candidate and can stand by your choice. Choose your candidate wisely, for the damage they can do can be great or the greatness and good they can do can change the world. Choose someone with integrity, morals and honesty- this is the hardest part. Sadly, most of the time neither party is completely honest and tells the public what they want to hear instead of what they need to hear. This is where your research comes in. You must dig deeper, you must look at who they are as a whole. Remember that actions speak louder than words, and many politicians have the art of the silver tongue. The most important thing you can do while waiting to vote is to pray. Pray that God touches our country, that the chosen candidate- whether it is who you voted for or not- leads our country to greatness. They have a very tough job, and it is so easy for us to judge and throw stones when mistakes are made. All of us have made mistakes and hindsight is 20/20. Pray that our leader has a tender heart towards God and pray that God directs his steps. Ultimately God is in control. Make sure you pray the same prayer for you and your family. You, my dear Caden, will be the leader in your home. Make sure your steps are those of a strong and confidant man with a clear conscience and a tender heart.
So grow up Caden, but take your time and learn to play and enjoy the smaller things in life. I promise to do my best to help lead you to greatness. Be proud of your country, be proud of your life, be proud of yourself. Don't be afraid to be who you are, don't be afraid to believe. To make a change in this world we need a good leader, don't be afraid to be that leader. Stand for those that can't, make friends with those that are different. Show this world that good can prevail, that Hope is still alive. Be the difference, go out and change your world and lead us all to greatness.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Dear Caden,
Mommy loves your kisses. However, please do not take a swig of milk and belch right in my face before giving said kiss. It just kinda loses it's touch and makes Mommy want to kinda lose her lunch.
Mommy loves your kisses. However, please do not take a swig of milk and belch right in my face before giving said kiss. It just kinda loses it's touch and makes Mommy want to kinda lose her lunch.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Birthday Party!
Dear Caden,
Yesterday you had so much fun celebrating your birthday! We had a delicious cake with gummy worms coming out of it and you also searched for worms in the mud (pudding).
After all the cake and goodies, you were showered with a lot of gifts. You were so excited! Even though Aunt Holly and Uncle Nate couldn't make it, they sent you a Little People's barn yard, you pointed to the cow and said, "Mooo!" Aunt Sam came early and helped all day to make your party go off without a hitch, in which Mommy is ever so grateful, she got you a Little People's zoo set and you really liked the monkey! Lolli and Pop's and the rest of the Brown crew got you a DVD of Looney Tune's Mouse Chronicles and a fall outfit. Aunt Nika and Caleb got you really cute outfit and some fun, squishy food playdoh! Grammy Lisa got you a turtle that you can turn on at night that shine stars on the ceiling. You REALLY like stars! She also got you Leap Frog book, which you enjoyed playing with on the way home! Mommy and Daddy got you a Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head and a Caden-sized trampoline. Wow! That is a lot of gifts for such a tiny person!
Yesterday you had so much fun celebrating your birthday! We had a delicious cake with gummy worms coming out of it and you also searched for worms in the mud (pudding).
Wow! Is this for me?! |
Birthday Cake! |
Eating birthday cake with Cousin Caleb |
Feeding Pops gummy worms |
Digging for worms in the mud |
After all the cake and goodies, you were showered with a lot of gifts. You were so excited! Even though Aunt Holly and Uncle Nate couldn't make it, they sent you a Little People's barn yard, you pointed to the cow and said, "Mooo!" Aunt Sam came early and helped all day to make your party go off without a hitch, in which Mommy is ever so grateful, she got you a Little People's zoo set and you really liked the monkey! Lolli and Pop's and the rest of the Brown crew got you a DVD of Looney Tune's Mouse Chronicles and a fall outfit. Aunt Nika and Caleb got you really cute outfit and some fun, squishy food playdoh! Grammy Lisa got you a turtle that you can turn on at night that shine stars on the ceiling. You REALLY like stars! She also got you Leap Frog book, which you enjoyed playing with on the way home! Mommy and Daddy got you a Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head and a Caden-sized trampoline. Wow! That is a lot of gifts for such a tiny person!
Unsure at first |
Starting to figure it out |
Bounce, Bounce, Bounce! So much fun!! |
Play Doh fun! |
Leap Frog book, I love books! |
Stars! Stars! |
Zoo! |
Moo Cow! |
You are officially no longer a baby! May you continue to grow and explore and have lots of fun! Even though we all got together to celebrate your big day, know that Mommy and Daddy celebrate you everyday. You are our miracle and the sweetest little boy. We love you Caden, Happy 2nd Birthday!!
Friday, November 2, 2012
Happy Birthday!
Dear Caden,
Today is your 2nd birthday! I hope today is filled with giggles, cupcakes and loads of fun! At this time two years ago, your daddy and I were nervously waiting in the OR, knowing that in a few minutes we would be able to finally meet our sweet little boy. At 1:23pm I heard the sweetest sound of your cries, you were finally here and our lives would never be the same. You made us into a family.
You are a miracle in every sense of the word. I was told by several drs that I would never be able to have children, and if I did conceive, the pregnancy would be difficult. The pregnancy with you was definitely interesting to say the least. I was in the hospital multiple times because you were so insistent on trying to come early, but after months of bed rest, you were finally finished cooking and everyone was so excited to meet you. While on bed rest Mommy became depressed, so in order to get through it, I decided to post a new happy thought everyday. You were my ultimate happy thought, and you still are. After you were born we found out that you would have to have cranial vault reconstructive surgery for saggital craniosynostosis. Try saying that several times fast! Mommy made herself sick with worry, but once again, you showed us how strong you were and sailed through the surgery and recovery like a champ.
It is a bittersweet day because as I look at you, I see your chubby cheeks and thighs slowly fading and you are now able to talk much more clearer to let me know what you need. My baby is disappearing, and in its place I see a little boy that is interested in the world and learning constantly. I must warn you though, even when you are 20+ years, you will still be my baby. My first born, my love, my dear Caden, my Happy Thought. I will do my best to take the time to watch you grow, REALLY watch you grow. I know there will be days that I will count down the hours and minutes until Daddy gets home, and when it will be bedtime. However, I will do my best to try and see the laughter and memory making in all of the chaos of the childhood years. I know the next few years will be tough, but I promise to pause and do my best to remember that we will but pass this way with you only once.
I love you Caden, thank you for being ours. You have made our lives full of happiness, tears, laughter and lots of messes. I wouldn't want it any other way. May you continue to grow and may you learn that there truly are no limitations to what you can do or become. Do not be afraid of failure, for that is how we grow. Always be who you are, never change to please others, for you are perfect just the way God created you. Know that you always have a place at home, that even if you mess up-which you will, because that is how you learn- you will always be welcome here and we will always love you. Be a difference in your world, believe in the goodness of others, and always be a good friend.
So today, live it up, eat waffles for dinner and bounce on the couches and stay up late because of sugar overload- Happy birthday my dear Caden!
Today is your 2nd birthday! I hope today is filled with giggles, cupcakes and loads of fun! At this time two years ago, your daddy and I were nervously waiting in the OR, knowing that in a few minutes we would be able to finally meet our sweet little boy. At 1:23pm I heard the sweetest sound of your cries, you were finally here and our lives would never be the same. You made us into a family.
You are a miracle in every sense of the word. I was told by several drs that I would never be able to have children, and if I did conceive, the pregnancy would be difficult. The pregnancy with you was definitely interesting to say the least. I was in the hospital multiple times because you were so insistent on trying to come early, but after months of bed rest, you were finally finished cooking and everyone was so excited to meet you. While on bed rest Mommy became depressed, so in order to get through it, I decided to post a new happy thought everyday. You were my ultimate happy thought, and you still are. After you were born we found out that you would have to have cranial vault reconstructive surgery for saggital craniosynostosis. Try saying that several times fast! Mommy made herself sick with worry, but once again, you showed us how strong you were and sailed through the surgery and recovery like a champ.
It is a bittersweet day because as I look at you, I see your chubby cheeks and thighs slowly fading and you are now able to talk much more clearer to let me know what you need. My baby is disappearing, and in its place I see a little boy that is interested in the world and learning constantly. I must warn you though, even when you are 20+ years, you will still be my baby. My first born, my love, my dear Caden, my Happy Thought. I will do my best to take the time to watch you grow, REALLY watch you grow. I know there will be days that I will count down the hours and minutes until Daddy gets home, and when it will be bedtime. However, I will do my best to try and see the laughter and memory making in all of the chaos of the childhood years. I know the next few years will be tough, but I promise to pause and do my best to remember that we will but pass this way with you only once.
I love you Caden, thank you for being ours. You have made our lives full of happiness, tears, laughter and lots of messes. I wouldn't want it any other way. May you continue to grow and may you learn that there truly are no limitations to what you can do or become. Do not be afraid of failure, for that is how we grow. Always be who you are, never change to please others, for you are perfect just the way God created you. Know that you always have a place at home, that even if you mess up-which you will, because that is how you learn- you will always be welcome here and we will always love you. Be a difference in your world, believe in the goodness of others, and always be a good friend.
So today, live it up, eat waffles for dinner and bounce on the couches and stay up late because of sugar overload- Happy birthday my dear Caden!
![]() |
Yummy birthday cupcake with a gummy worm on top! |
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Houdini Jr Escapades
Dear Caden,
What are the odds that the SAME officer would see you AGAIN, half out of your car seat. I think I need to put my money where my mouth is. For your birthday tomorrow, you are getting a roll of Duct Tape. Let's see you escape from that.
Dear Officer,
Thank you for finding the humor in my stress and giving me yet another warning and not a ticket. I would call your boss, but I don't want to give away that you are letting crazy moms ride around with half buckled kids. Perhaps tomorrow I will save a birthday cupcake for you, since you know, you and my son have apparently become great friends.
Mommy to Houdini Jr.
What are the odds that the SAME officer would see you AGAIN, half out of your car seat. I think I need to put my money where my mouth is. For your birthday tomorrow, you are getting a roll of Duct Tape. Let's see you escape from that.
Dear Officer,
Thank you for finding the humor in my stress and giving me yet another warning and not a ticket. I would call your boss, but I don't want to give away that you are letting crazy moms ride around with half buckled kids. Perhaps tomorrow I will save a birthday cupcake for you, since you know, you and my son have apparently become great friends.
Mommy to Houdini Jr.
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