Dear Caden,
I adore you, I really do. However, today I am really tempted to put you outside with a sign on your neck that says, "50 cents OBO." These terrible 3's will be the death of me.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Dear Caden,
Oxford's dictionary describes the word dream as a cherished aspiration, ambition or ideal.
Fifty years ago today, a black gentleman stood up and faced thousands of people and rallied for a better life for his fellow brethren. He has a dream. Martin Luther King Jr. had to fight a battle that he should have never had to fight. America the Great is so very blessed, but sadly, she has made many mistakes. Some generations grew up thinking that not every one was equal, that one could be judged by the color of their skin and not for who they really were. They were afraid of anyone who was different than they were, the unknowns. Hatred manifested on both sides and many lives, including Mr. King's were lost. He has a dream. Mr. King was not just a right's activist, he was a man of Faith. A man who raised his family in the Word of God, a man who was not afraid to kneel and pray. He raised his children to be God fearing and honest. Sadly, Mr. King did not get to see the manifestations of all his work, but his legacy lives on and his children are living his dream. He has a dream. I say the word has instead of had because his dream lives on in all of us. The fight against racial prejudices still occur, but it is deeper than that. It's the fight for humanity itself. As your mother I will do my best to raise you and your brother to also be God fearing and honest. To know that we all bleed the same no matter the color of our skin, our educational background, our wealth or lack thereof. I will do my best to encourage you, to believe the impossible for you and to stand up for you. I want you to know your self worth, to know just how amazing you truly are and for you to just be yourself. I want you to be able to hold on to a stranger's hand and stand up together for what is right. I want you to smash prejudices and break away from the mundane. I want you to befriend those that are different than you, and when you do you may realize that they are more similar to you than you thought. That homeless person that you pass everyday is someone's baby; a mother once rocked them and held them closely. They are more than just a body taking up space, they have a story, they have a life. They too have dreams. Help them, reach out to them, believe in them, take them by the hand and dream with them. The world is hurting, humanity is crying for someone to take a stand, for someone to still dream. America was built on the dreams of our Forefathers, let that not be in vain. I want you to grow up and make a difference in your world. I want you to dream. I want you to look your fears in the eye and not back down. I want you to know that you, my Dear Caden, can build on Mr. King's dream and make a better world for yourself and for others. Everything was said to be impossible until it was done, so strive for the impossible. The world is hurting, America's dreams are turning into nightmares. Be that difference. I want you to dream. When you fall down, and you will, get back up. "Don't look at them as low points. Look at them as launch pads. There will always be dips in life, life is a rollercoaster." -Will. I. Am. So tonight as I tuck you into bed, I promise to do my best to practice what I preach. I promise to be that difference in my world because I know your little eyes are watching as Mr. King's children were watching him. For I too, have a dream.
Oxford's dictionary describes the word dream as a cherished aspiration, ambition or ideal.
Fifty years ago today, a black gentleman stood up and faced thousands of people and rallied for a better life for his fellow brethren. He has a dream. Martin Luther King Jr. had to fight a battle that he should have never had to fight. America the Great is so very blessed, but sadly, she has made many mistakes. Some generations grew up thinking that not every one was equal, that one could be judged by the color of their skin and not for who they really were. They were afraid of anyone who was different than they were, the unknowns. Hatred manifested on both sides and many lives, including Mr. King's were lost. He has a dream. Mr. King was not just a right's activist, he was a man of Faith. A man who raised his family in the Word of God, a man who was not afraid to kneel and pray. He raised his children to be God fearing and honest. Sadly, Mr. King did not get to see the manifestations of all his work, but his legacy lives on and his children are living his dream. He has a dream. I say the word has instead of had because his dream lives on in all of us. The fight against racial prejudices still occur, but it is deeper than that. It's the fight for humanity itself. As your mother I will do my best to raise you and your brother to also be God fearing and honest. To know that we all bleed the same no matter the color of our skin, our educational background, our wealth or lack thereof. I will do my best to encourage you, to believe the impossible for you and to stand up for you. I want you to know your self worth, to know just how amazing you truly are and for you to just be yourself. I want you to be able to hold on to a stranger's hand and stand up together for what is right. I want you to smash prejudices and break away from the mundane. I want you to befriend those that are different than you, and when you do you may realize that they are more similar to you than you thought. That homeless person that you pass everyday is someone's baby; a mother once rocked them and held them closely. They are more than just a body taking up space, they have a story, they have a life. They too have dreams. Help them, reach out to them, believe in them, take them by the hand and dream with them. The world is hurting, humanity is crying for someone to take a stand, for someone to still dream. America was built on the dreams of our Forefathers, let that not be in vain. I want you to grow up and make a difference in your world. I want you to dream. I want you to look your fears in the eye and not back down. I want you to know that you, my Dear Caden, can build on Mr. King's dream and make a better world for yourself and for others. Everything was said to be impossible until it was done, so strive for the impossible. The world is hurting, America's dreams are turning into nightmares. Be that difference. I want you to dream. When you fall down, and you will, get back up. "Don't look at them as low points. Look at them as launch pads. There will always be dips in life, life is a rollercoaster." -Will. I. Am. So tonight as I tuck you into bed, I promise to do my best to practice what I preach. I promise to be that difference in my world because I know your little eyes are watching as Mr. King's children were watching him. For I too, have a dream.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Tutumber's Arm
Dear Caden,
There's singing, dancing, swashbuckling and you don't care. While watching Veggie Tales you asked, "Daddy, where's Tutumber's (Cucumber) arm go?" Forget all the excitement of talking and dancing vegetables, you were more concerned that Larry didn't have extremities.
There's singing, dancing, swashbuckling and you don't care. While watching Veggie Tales you asked, "Daddy, where's Tutumber's (Cucumber) arm go?" Forget all the excitement of talking and dancing vegetables, you were more concerned that Larry didn't have extremities.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
In Line
Dear Caden,
I am glad you can keep those socks in line, they were really starting to act out.
I am glad you can keep those socks in line, they were really starting to act out.
Sock Knobs
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Nights Like This
Dear Caden,
It was my understanding that you aren't supposed to have nights like this until you were in college. You are growing up too fast.
We are super proud of you for putting on your own socks all by yourself.
It was my understanding that you aren't supposed to have nights like this until you were in college. You are growing up too fast.
We are super proud of you for putting on your own socks all by yourself.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Candy Bowl
Dear Caden,
We have a candy bowl in our house and when you go potty you get a piece of candy. Yes, you are potty trained and have been for the past 7 months, so no, you technically do not need a candy treat. This is the only way that I can have unlimited access to candy while not looking like a candy pig, by using you of course. However this has one little plot hole. This morning I was hunched over the bowl, digging to find a piece of deliciousness, when you happened upon me. Now I had just told you about 5 minutes earlier that you couldn't have any candy because you didn't go potty. You start shaking your finger at me, "No! No, no, no, no, no! Mommy no potty! Sneaky snook!" Apparently 1) You watch too much Jake and the Neverland Pirates 2) I must use the potty before getting candy because I know you are watching 3) I am somehow now held accountable for my candy intake by a 2 year old. Aww, coconuts!
We have a candy bowl in our house and when you go potty you get a piece of candy. Yes, you are potty trained and have been for the past 7 months, so no, you technically do not need a candy treat. This is the only way that I can have unlimited access to candy while not looking like a candy pig, by using you of course. However this has one little plot hole. This morning I was hunched over the bowl, digging to find a piece of deliciousness, when you happened upon me. Now I had just told you about 5 minutes earlier that you couldn't have any candy because you didn't go potty. You start shaking your finger at me, "No! No, no, no, no, no! Mommy no potty! Sneaky snook!" Apparently 1) You watch too much Jake and the Neverland Pirates 2) I must use the potty before getting candy because I know you are watching 3) I am somehow now held accountable for my candy intake by a 2 year old. Aww, coconuts!
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Dear Caden,
We sit down at the table to eat dinner and you immediately sit up tall to inspect what is laid out. I lay your plate out in front of you, we say our prayer and you excitedly begin to dig in. That is until you came to the risotto.
"It's yummy Caden. Try it. Its risotto."
"Eeeeeew!", your face pinches up.
"Just try it."
"No. No, no, no, no, no." Your little pointer finger begins shaking up and down at me. "I no eat Toto."
I try to make it a policy in our house not to eat dog, but I guess it must've slipped my mind. Just don't tell Dorothy.
We sit down at the table to eat dinner and you immediately sit up tall to inspect what is laid out. I lay your plate out in front of you, we say our prayer and you excitedly begin to dig in. That is until you came to the risotto.
"It's yummy Caden. Try it. Its risotto."
"Eeeeeew!", your face pinches up.
"Just try it."
"No. No, no, no, no, no." Your little pointer finger begins shaking up and down at me. "I no eat Toto."
I try to make it a policy in our house not to eat dog, but I guess it must've slipped my mind. Just don't tell Dorothy.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Maw's Coffee
Dear Caden,
This morning you sat up in bed, stretched your arms out and let out a BIG yawn.
I made the comment, "Wow Caden! That is a really big yawn!"
You looked at me with your sleepy brown eyes and said, "Yeah, I need coffee."
I stopped, "Come again?"
You paused, looked at me thoughtfully and replied, "Maw's coffee."
I am sure poor Maw says that a lot with you around. Heck, I am sometimes worn out by the time I drop you and Jacob off at Ms. Vickie and Maw's and it is only 7am.
How about chocolate milk instead?
This morning you sat up in bed, stretched your arms out and let out a BIG yawn.
I made the comment, "Wow Caden! That is a really big yawn!"
You looked at me with your sleepy brown eyes and said, "Yeah, I need coffee."
I stopped, "Come again?"
You paused, looked at me thoughtfully and replied, "Maw's coffee."
I am sure poor Maw says that a lot with you around. Heck, I am sometimes worn out by the time I drop you and Jacob off at Ms. Vickie and Maw's and it is only 7am.
How about chocolate milk instead?
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Criminals Defeeted!
Dear Caden,
The nightlife of Batman and his sidekicks - you never know what you will find in his utility belt. I am just happy they are clean socks, since you insist on sleeping with them almost every night. Are you testing them out for when crime strikes? I can see the headlines now, "Batman saves the day again! Criminal Defeeted (get it?!) knocked unconscious by smelly sock!" I feel safer already.
The nightlife of Batman and his sidekicks - you never know what you will find in his utility belt. I am just happy they are clean socks, since you insist on sleeping with them almost every night. Are you testing them out for when crime strikes? I can see the headlines now, "Batman saves the day again! Criminal Defeeted (get it?!) knocked unconscious by smelly sock!" I feel safer already.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Indian Food
Dear Caden,
Tonight as we sat down for dinner I told you that we were eating Indian food and that it was really yummy. I asked you if you knew what Indian food was, fully expecting you to say "No!" or "Ewwww!". Instead your eyes lit up and you said, "I eat Pocahontas!" We aren't cannibals and it is a different type of Indian, but still impressive.
Tonight as we sat down for dinner I told you that we were eating Indian food and that it was really yummy. I asked you if you knew what Indian food was, fully expecting you to say "No!" or "Ewwww!". Instead your eyes lit up and you said, "I eat Pocahontas!" We aren't cannibals and it is a different type of Indian, but still impressive.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Sleepy Spiderman
Dear Caden,
Apparently saving the world as Spiderman is hard work. I guess it makes sense that you have to sleep with socks on your hands to keep you from shooting webs out in your sleep.
Apparently saving the world as Spiderman is hard work. I guess it makes sense that you have to sleep with socks on your hands to keep you from shooting webs out in your sleep.
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Dear Caden,
"Mama! Shoes!" You come running to me with one shoe on and one shoe on your hand.
"Yes, Caden. Those are your shoes. Please keep them on this time." I sit you down and put your shoe back on. I let you go and start looking for Jacob's pacifier which you have hidden, yet again.
"Mama! Snack! I neeeeeed snack!" You bring me your snack container and start pointing to the top of the fridge where your favorite snacks are.
"Yes, Caden. Uh huh. Ok." I am still looking for Jacob's paci as his screams get louder.
"Circles Mama! I neeeeeed Circles!" You start jumping up and down in excitement, your little fingers pointing to the Nilla Wafers.
"Mmmmm? Ok, yeah." My search for the pacifier is becoming frantic as Jacob hits notes that Sarah Brightman would be proud of.
"Mama! Pleeease!" Your face is now two inches from mine, your excitement is tangible. "Please!!!!"
"Ok Caden, fine. But where is Jacob's pacifier?" My frustration is beginning to show.
Suddenly your hands grab my face and you get right in it
"Mama! Eyes please! Focus!"
Wonder where you heard that from. Oh, and next time, please don't hide Jacob's pacifier in your lego box.
"Mama! Shoes!" You come running to me with one shoe on and one shoe on your hand.
"Yes, Caden. Those are your shoes. Please keep them on this time." I sit you down and put your shoe back on. I let you go and start looking for Jacob's pacifier which you have hidden, yet again.
"Mama! Snack! I neeeeeed snack!" You bring me your snack container and start pointing to the top of the fridge where your favorite snacks are.
"Yes, Caden. Uh huh. Ok." I am still looking for Jacob's paci as his screams get louder.
"Circles Mama! I neeeeeed Circles!" You start jumping up and down in excitement, your little fingers pointing to the Nilla Wafers.
"Mmmmm? Ok, yeah." My search for the pacifier is becoming frantic as Jacob hits notes that Sarah Brightman would be proud of.
"Mama! Pleeease!" Your face is now two inches from mine, your excitement is tangible. "Please!!!!"
"Ok Caden, fine. But where is Jacob's pacifier?" My frustration is beginning to show.
Suddenly your hands grab my face and you get right in it
"Mama! Eyes please! Focus!"
Wonder where you heard that from. Oh, and next time, please don't hide Jacob's pacifier in your lego box.
Friday, August 2, 2013
Mr. Banana
Dear Caden,
Mornings in this house are always busy in between : dressing you, feeding Jacob, feeding you, dressing Jacob, trying to redress you from you taking off half of your clothes, trying to keep myself from getting locked in the garage half naked, me trying to grab a banana to go, making sure all of your bags are packed and putting on your shoes and socks for the 3rd time. Today we went to Discovery Green to play with some of our favorite friends and cousin Caleb. On the way there I sighed because I had left my banana at home with all of the craziness of trying to get out of the house. After we got home, I went upstairs to change and find my banana in my room. It somehow got tucked into Mommy and Daddy's bed. You know that we don't allow food upstairs, but I have to admit that it was too cute and I couldn't get upset with you. Thank you for making me smile during a crazy day. It is moments like these that I know I will miss once you are older . . . I pray you never lose your sense of silliness my dear Caden.
Mornings in this house are always busy in between : dressing you, feeding Jacob, feeding you, dressing Jacob, trying to redress you from you taking off half of your clothes, trying to keep myself from getting locked in the garage half naked, me trying to grab a banana to go, making sure all of your bags are packed and putting on your shoes and socks for the 3rd time. Today we went to Discovery Green to play with some of our favorite friends and cousin Caleb. On the way there I sighed because I had left my banana at home with all of the craziness of trying to get out of the house. After we got home, I went upstairs to change and find my banana in my room. It somehow got tucked into Mommy and Daddy's bed. You know that we don't allow food upstairs, but I have to admit that it was too cute and I couldn't get upset with you. Thank you for making me smile during a crazy day. It is moments like these that I know I will miss once you are older . . . I pray you never lose your sense of silliness my dear Caden.
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Mr. Banana |
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Caleb and Caden * Cousin love * |
Thursday, August 1, 2013
May or May not
Dear Caden,
You may, or may not, have been extremely busy this morning. You may, or may not, have started locking doors and shutting them. This includes, maybe or maybe not, locking Mommy in the garage while she was inappropriately half dressed causing Mommy to freak out because she has no way to get back into the house except going outside to get to the front door. This may, or may not, have lead Mommy to dart out for all the neighborhood to see to her half naked as she scrambled to unlock said front door. Mommy may, or may not, need to start wearing keys around her waist like a warden.
You may, or may not, have been extremely busy this morning. You may, or may not, have started locking doors and shutting them. This includes, maybe or maybe not, locking Mommy in the garage while she was inappropriately half dressed causing Mommy to freak out because she has no way to get back into the house except going outside to get to the front door. This may, or may not, have lead Mommy to dart out for all the neighborhood to see to her half naked as she scrambled to unlock said front door. Mommy may, or may not, need to start wearing keys around her waist like a warden.
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