Thursday, October 31, 2013

Yum Yum

Dear Caden,

You hear Jacob crying and you inform me, " Mooooomma, Jacob hungry!"
We are in the store so there is nothing I can do at the moment but quickly finish my shopping and try to distract your brother from how hungry he is. I race to the closest check out lane.
"Jacob hungry NOW Mooooomma!" Your voice is getting louder as are Jacob's wails.
"Ok Caden, thank you. Mommy can't feed him just yet, we have to finish shopping first and then..."
You lift up your shirt and start pointing at your nipples. "I HELP MOOOOOOMMA! I DO IT! I FEED JACOB YUM YUM FROM MY BOOBIES!"
You of course say this loud enough for the ladies three checkout lanes away to start giggling at you.


Monday, October 28, 2013

Hey Baby

Dear Caden,

While I was upstairs I heard Daddy calling out for me, "Hey Baby, can you help me with something?" Later you came up to me and said, "Hey Baby, hold me." You crack me up.


Sunday, October 27, 2013

Mr. Seahorse

Dear Caden,

This morning started around 0430 for us. I hear you hollering, "Mooooommy! Come Quick! Big no no!" I jump out of bed and race to your room, my mind whirling with a million thoughts on what your idea of a 'big no no' could be. I open the door and see you standing on you bed holding your seahorse at arms length towards me.
"Mommy! Mr. Seahorse dirty! Need clean!"
"Caden, what happened? Why is Mr. Seahorse dirty?"
"Mr. Seahorse poo poo...big no no Mommy! Mr. Seahorse poo poo on MEEEEE! Ewww yuck!"
"Mr. Seahorse pooped on you?"
"Mr. Seahorse has tummy owie. Needs medicine and temperature. Needs clean, ew yuck!"
As I get closer I see that your bed is c.o.v.e.r.e.d. in poop, you have war-like poo marks on your face and your hair is different shades of brown. Let's not forget about Mr. Seahorse who obviously caused this poopocolypse. We checked both you and Mr. Seahorse's temperature and gave you both medicine for comfort. I've decided we must potty train Mr. Seahorse, that's all there is too it, either that or make him start wearing diapers.


Friday, October 25, 2013

Bun Warmers

Dear Caden,

The past few mornings have been wonderfully chilly. After we get the car started I always turn my heat up and flip on my seat warmers. This morning you noticed this and asked me, "Where my bun warmers go on?" I inform you that your car seat does not have "bun warmers" and you immediately reply, "But I neeeeed bun warmers! My buns cold - Pleeeease!" Maybe we need to look into inventing this product so that toddlers around the world can have toasty buns on chilly mornings.


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Need Dray

Dear Caden,

Tonight after we tucked you into bed, said night time prayers and gave you about a million hugs and kisses, you began to say, "Need 'dray!" You normally speak very clearly but if not, I typically am extremely good at deciphering Cadenese; however, this time after about 10 minutes I had to call in reinforcements: Daddy. Daddy and I tried for another 20 minutes to figure out what you were saying.
"Need dray!"
"No, need dray!"
"No, need dray!"
"Candy?" (just went potty)
"No, need dray!"
"Show me Caden, we don't understand."
Your big brown eye peer out from underneath your blanket. "Need dray Mommy!"
Usually by now if we come to a stale mate in guessing what you are saying we are successful in distracting you into something else. However, you were so insistent and your voice had a certain sense of urgency that I couldn't let it go. This continues for a total of 35 minutes until suddenly you whisper one last time, "Need dray, Mommy!" and it dawns on me- "Need pray."
I kneel beside your bed, you lay your head on my arm and I feel a twinge in my heart. Even though we had already prayed, I run my fingers run through your hair and I hold you close to me and begin to whisper another prayer with you.
May I always remember to have childlike faith, to stop and whisper prayers when God places it on my heart. May I always pause to listen to my children and their needs, really listen, for we never know if God is speaking through them. I pray that I remember that I am not just raising two busy boys, but I am molding and nurturing them into Godly men. Thank you Caden for reminding me once again that you watch everything we do, and you mimic what you see. Thankful that you have a tender heart, I am humbled to be your mommy.


"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy site O Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Cool Buses!

Dear Caden,

Morning drives to Maw's house are very entertaining. You insist for me to, "Look Momma! Cool bus! See! Looook Momma! Cool Bus!" every single time a school bus drives by. I just hope that by the time you are old enough to be in school that you still think that school buses are cool.


Monday, October 21, 2013

Crabs and Boogers

Dear Caden,

Mommy loves seafood, especially lobster and crab, and I don't like to share it. Unfortunately there seems to be an unspoken rule of, "If it's on Mommy's plate then it is ALL mine." You are extremely well versed on this rule and practice it daily. It doesn't matter if you have the same exact food on your plate, Mommy's always tastes better.

You were quite intrigued by the crab legs, instantly creating swashbuckling magic at the table. Suddenly you began picking your nose with the crab legs and held it out to me. "Mommy, look! I got big booger! Eat it Mommy!" I think I will pass.


Sunday, October 20, 2013


Dear Caden,

These past few mornings you have been incredibly congested, seasonal allergies have not been your friend. Suddenly you sneeze really big and you start yelling out, "Mommy! Hairball! Mommy! I have hairball!" In your hand was a wad of snot. Oh sweet Caden, cats have hairballs. Humans do not. Or at least they shouldn't.
