Last week we met with Dr. Buchanan who is the plastic surgeon that will be taking care of Caden. He is absolutely amazing! He let me, a terrified mommy, ask a million questions and didn't rush me. That speaks volumes. He even played with Caden while we were discussing his surgery, that also showed me that he cares. I know Caden will be in good hands. Dr. Buchanan mentioned that Caden might need an additional surgery later in life to fix the 'bossing' (that is the slight bulges in his forehead). Daddy and I both agree that Caden looks perfectly fine the way he is and we think that we might not opt to do that surgery since it isn't necessary like the current surgery. Dr. Buchanan also mentioned that because he will just be repairing the back of Caden's head to allow for expansion, that the surgery will be significantly shorter than previously mentioned. The surgery is now supposed to only be 2-3 hrs long (instead of the dreaded 8 hrs) AND because the focus of the surgery is on the back of Caden's head, Dr. Buchanan thinks that Caden's eyes will swell, but hopefully not swell completely shut! That is a huge relief for me as that is something that I am seriously dreading! Thank you Jesus for small blessings!
I recently received a care package from which is a nonprofit organization who's goal is to spread awareness of craniosynostosis and to bring love and comfort to those families that are facing surgery. Inside the box there was a prayer chain that we can place on Caden's crib in the hospital and also cards of encouragement from other parents that have been through this tough time. This box was such a blessing, knowing that we are not alone and that there are many people we don't even know that are praying for us.
I think the most difficult part of this whole ordeal is that I see Caden, an absolutely perfect, healthy and fun loving boy- and I have to hand him over to someone to do surgery on him. It isn't like there was an accident where I can actually visually see the problem that needs to be fixed, Caden's problem is hidden from sight and technically we are doing the surgery based on odds. Odds that in the future that he might become handicapped, might have seizures, become visually or hearing impaired. I'm not one to gamble and since I'm not the one rolling the dice of life, I feel it is my duty as a mother to make sure that Caden stays safe and healthy. I am doing this surgery to keep Caden the way he is, I don't want Caden to change. I want to continue to watch him make his funny faces and listen to his giggles.
So off we go tomorrow, the day my heart will stand still until I can lay eyes on my son and see that he made it through and is doing well. I have several family members coming to the hospital with us to wait out the surgery so that we won't be alone. I know that The Great Physician and His angels will be in the OR with Caden. I know that there are hundreds of people praying for Caden and that he will come out like a champ. I just wish someone so small and innocent, didn't have to go through something so awful. We just have to make up a good story for him to tell others when he grows up on how he got his scar...wrestling an alligator, surfing with sharks...who knows! :) So tonight, kiss your little ones and hug them extra tight for us and please remember us in your prayers. Caden's surgery is at 11:30am and we have to be there at 09:30am. I will do my best to update the carepage tomorrow to let everyone know how he did, and will post pics of my main man. Thank you for following us on this journey and for the prayers and calls and well wishes. We are almost there, I can see the other side!
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