Dear Caden,
I understand that you must inspect all food prior to tasting it. However please know it is perfectly acceptable to eat broken crackers. There is no alteration in taste - I swear to you. Try and understand how difficult it is to find a perfect, pristine cracker. Let alone more than one. There is absolutely no need to melt into a puddle of tears, I promise no one took a 'bite' out of it, they were just suffering from early crumbification.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Dear Caden,
I think a little piece of Mommy's heart dies every time you are sick. Holding you yesterday while we were at the pediatrician, listening to your feverish whimpers, I wish I could take this sickness from you. Mommy whispered love and prayers in your ear asking God for your 104.3 temperature to break because Mommy wanted you to sleep at home and not in the hospital. Thankfully God answers prayers because your high fever broke, although it is still lingering today. I wish I could just hug your boo boos, slather ketchup all over them and feed you waffles to make them better. So thankful for Mrs. Vickie and Meemaw who hold you when I can't. Today you proved once again that a 2 yr old will is strong, and that it is nothing compared to the taste of a sick 2 yr old will. Mommy could do without that lesson - Get better soon bug.
I think a little piece of Mommy's heart dies every time you are sick. Holding you yesterday while we were at the pediatrician, listening to your feverish whimpers, I wish I could take this sickness from you. Mommy whispered love and prayers in your ear asking God for your 104.3 temperature to break because Mommy wanted you to sleep at home and not in the hospital. Thankfully God answers prayers because your high fever broke, although it is still lingering today. I wish I could just hug your boo boos, slather ketchup all over them and feed you waffles to make them better. So thankful for Mrs. Vickie and Meemaw who hold you when I can't. Today you proved once again that a 2 yr old will is strong, and that it is nothing compared to the taste of a sick 2 yr old will. Mommy could do without that lesson - Get better soon bug.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Happy Birthday Mommy!
Dear Caden,
It is 3 am and I hear, "I yuck." This is something you say when you have had a potty accident. Daddy walks into your room and I hear him call, "Mommy, I'm gonna need some help with this one!" I walk in and you have pooped. Then the realization hits, "Where are your underwear?" You are standing there grinning, buck naked. As I've mentioned to you before, we are not exhibitionists nor do we live in a nudest colony. Thank you for trying to clean up the mess by yourself, as I know you were trying to surprise me for my birthday, but how do I put this nicely? . . . . "Always call for Mommy to help. ALWAYS." Mommy really wishes she could reclaim the 30 minutes or so from cleaning your pooped riddled wall, dresser, a book, bed, every door knob, nightlight, your toy box and your floor. The kicker - when we finally found your underwear, they were spotlessly clean. Now that takes talent.
It is 3 am and I hear, "I yuck." This is something you say when you have had a potty accident. Daddy walks into your room and I hear him call, "Mommy, I'm gonna need some help with this one!" I walk in and you have pooped. Then the realization hits, "Where are your underwear?" You are standing there grinning, buck naked. As I've mentioned to you before, we are not exhibitionists nor do we live in a nudest colony. Thank you for trying to clean up the mess by yourself, as I know you were trying to surprise me for my birthday, but how do I put this nicely? . . . . "Always call for Mommy to help. ALWAYS." Mommy really wishes she could reclaim the 30 minutes or so from cleaning your pooped riddled wall, dresser, a book, bed, every door knob, nightlight, your toy box and your floor. The kicker - when we finally found your underwear, they were spotlessly clean. Now that takes talent.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Dear Caden,
We need to discuss the difference between personal and communal property. I understand that Mommy's snack looked absolutely delicious and that my reflexes are ridiculously slow, but you don't have to taste test every last piece of food on MY plate. Mine has not been harvested in some enchanted forest fertilized by unicorn poop. You have the exact same snack on your plate.
We need to discuss the difference between personal and communal property. I understand that Mommy's snack looked absolutely delicious and that my reflexes are ridiculously slow, but you don't have to taste test every last piece of food on MY plate. Mine has not been harvested in some enchanted forest fertilized by unicorn poop. You have the exact same snack on your plate.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Nap Time Buffets
Dear Caden,
Mommy has heard of this wonderful, magical thing called naps. I heard that when you take one, while you are there, you are privy to an all you can eat buffet of candy and waffles. I think you should definitely investigate this. Feel free to stay as long as you would like.
Mommy has heard of this wonderful, magical thing called naps. I heard that when you take one, while you are there, you are privy to an all you can eat buffet of candy and waffles. I think you should definitely investigate this. Feel free to stay as long as you would like.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Digging for Gold
Dear Caden,
You and I are sitting on the couch reading books and sharing stories. Out of the corner of my eye I see you digging for some elusive gold but I choose to ignore it and continue reading about Thomas the Train. I close my eyes and a yawn escapes. You decide to take this opportunity and stick your finger and the newly acquired treasure into my mouth. There is no amount of Crest and Listerine that can undo what you just did to me.
You and I are sitting on the couch reading books and sharing stories. Out of the corner of my eye I see you digging for some elusive gold but I choose to ignore it and continue reading about Thomas the Train. I close my eyes and a yawn escapes. You decide to take this opportunity and stick your finger and the newly acquired treasure into my mouth. There is no amount of Crest and Listerine that can undo what you just did to me.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Dear Caden,
I am sure you had a perfectly good reason to shove the majority of your breakfast in your mouth all at once. Just please don't try to talk while all that food is in your mouth, you might lose some.
I am sure you had a perfectly good reason to shove the majority of your breakfast in your mouth all at once. Just please don't try to talk while all that food is in your mouth, you might lose some.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Hold Your Horses!
Dear Caden,
Today, while you were fussing because we weren't getting your banana fast enough, Daddy told you, "Hold your horses Caden!" Next thing we know, you are tapping us and handing Daddy your Little People's horse. You are awesome.
Today, while you were fussing because we weren't getting your banana fast enough, Daddy told you, "Hold your horses Caden!" Next thing we know, you are tapping us and handing Daddy your Little People's horse. You are awesome.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Where'd I Go?
Dear Caden,
For the past few weeks, anytime something happens that you don't like or don't want to do, you decide to disappear. We will be talking to you and you will get incredibly still and just close your eyes. I hate to break it to you, but I can still see you. If only it were really that simple.
For the past few weeks, anytime something happens that you don't like or don't want to do, you decide to disappear. We will be talking to you and you will get incredibly still and just close your eyes. I hate to break it to you, but I can still see you. If only it were really that simple.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Potty Training Day 3
Dear Caden,
We did it! We finished the 3 day potty training boot camp! Mommy and Daddy are insanely proud of you! The past three days have been wicked on my legs and back, but I was needing to tone up anyways. It amazes me how someone with such a small bladder can pee 9,647,823 times in one day. You know your priorities have shifted when you get crazy excited and started texting everyone (sorry guys!) when someone has a bowel movement in the potty. I love you my dear Caden, Mommy's big boy!!!
Accidents: 0
Poop: underwear 0, potty 2x!!!!
Success: 9,647,823 (reality 26)
We did it! We finished the 3 day potty training boot camp! Mommy and Daddy are insanely proud of you! The past three days have been wicked on my legs and back, but I was needing to tone up anyways. It amazes me how someone with such a small bladder can pee 9,647,823 times in one day. You know your priorities have shifted when you get crazy excited and started texting everyone (sorry guys!) when someone has a bowel movement in the potty. I love you my dear Caden, Mommy's big boy!!!
Accidents: 0
Poop: underwear 0, potty 2x!!!!
Success: 9,647,823 (reality 26)
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Potty Training Day 2
Dear Caden,
It amazes me how your normal way of walking with long legged leaps quickly turns into the 2 inch shuffle when asked to do something you aren't interested in. Something tells me this is only the beginning.
Accidents: 4
Poop: underwear 2x
Success: 33
It amazes me how your normal way of walking with long legged leaps quickly turns into the 2 inch shuffle when asked to do something you aren't interested in. Something tells me this is only the beginning.
Accidents: 4
Poop: underwear 2x
Success: 33
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Potty Training Day 1
Dear Caden,
Guantanamo vs potty training. The scales are almost even.
Accidents: 37
Poop: underwear 2x
Success: 2
Guantanamo vs potty training. The scales are almost even.
Accidents: 37
Poop: underwear 2x
Success: 2
Friday, January 18, 2013
Dear Caden,
Yesterday Mommy did something she always tells you not to do. I got distracted while going down the stairs. An ever so graceful fall, five stairs later, Mommy landed on her tummy. This is why Grammy came over and put you to bed last night while Mommy and Daddy went to the hospital to check on baby brother - who is absolutely fine by the way. Next time Mommy gets on to you for playing with your Leap Frog while going down the stairs, this is why. I am just happy you weren't home to see my hypocritical actions. Next time I should listen to my own advice.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Dear Caden,
It starts with one bean lying on the floor all by itself. Then I spot Tiger, our cat, playing with another one a few feet further down. Similar to Hansel and Gretel's bread crumb trail, I follow the trail to find you sitting there playing with your dump trucks driving over mounds of dried beans. I am sure I will find beans for days to come.
It starts with one bean lying on the floor all by itself. Then I spot Tiger, our cat, playing with another one a few feet further down. Similar to Hansel and Gretel's bread crumb trail, I follow the trail to find you sitting there playing with your dump trucks driving over mounds of dried beans. I am sure I will find beans for days to come.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Dear Caden,
I am sorry that I was in your way and that you felt the need to trip me with your body in the middle of the living room. My walking skills and center of gravity are slightly challenged. Next time please play slug elsewhere.
I am sorry that I was in your way and that you felt the need to trip me with your body in the middle of the living room. My walking skills and center of gravity are slightly challenged. Next time please play slug elsewhere.
Monday, January 14, 2013
You Smell?
Dear Caden,
This evening you informed me, "Mooo-mmma! I pooted! You smell?" Even if I didn't want to smell it, I unfortunately really didn't have a choice. You are all boy. Gross.
This evening you informed me, "Mooo-mmma! I pooted! You smell?" Even if I didn't want to smell it, I unfortunately really didn't have a choice. You are all boy. Gross.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Dear Caden,
I look at you in complete frustration and complete awe. You love all things books and today became most evident of that fact. For some reason during nap time you decided to eat part of several books in your room. Not just nibble the corners, but EAT. It is good to have a high fiber diet however, I promise there are better and more tastier options. I suppose I should let Ms. Vickie know that if you poop out something like a newspaper that all is well.
I look at you in complete frustration and complete awe. You love all things books and today became most evident of that fact. For some reason during nap time you decided to eat part of several books in your room. Not just nibble the corners, but EAT. It is good to have a high fiber diet however, I promise there are better and more tastier options. I suppose I should let Ms. Vickie know that if you poop out something like a newspaper that all is well.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
The Giver
Dear Caden,
While I am trying to fasten your diaper is not the time to hand me your cup, a sock, your shoe, your other sock, a book, your pants, and that random piece of lint that you found out of your belly button.
While I am trying to fasten your diaper is not the time to hand me your cup, a sock, your shoe, your other sock, a book, your pants, and that random piece of lint that you found out of your belly button.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Dear Caden,
As I reflect on the past few days I realize that you have been happily enjoying our normal routine without much of a fuss or 'entertaining' shenanigans. I suppose you've been waiting until this weekend to unleash the power of your energy. I know that you are upstairs dreaming and plotting against me at this very moment. I accept the challenge.
As I reflect on the past few days I realize that you have been happily enjoying our normal routine without much of a fuss or 'entertaining' shenanigans. I suppose you've been waiting until this weekend to unleash the power of your energy. I know that you are upstairs dreaming and plotting against me at this very moment. I accept the challenge.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Fashion Sense
Dear Caden,
I've heard of dabbling cologne behind the ears to get girls, but ketchup? Your fashion sense is astounding, cutting edge, and daring.
I've heard of dabbling cologne behind the ears to get girls, but ketchup? Your fashion sense is astounding, cutting edge, and daring.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Happy Birthday Grandpa Harshman
Dear Caden,
Today is Grandpa Harshman's birthday, he would have been 62 this year. I am saddened that you will never get to know him, saddened because the bond between a grandchild and grandparent can be so special. However, just because he is gone, this does not mean that you will never know him. Today we sang him Happy Birthday and I showed you pictures of him and told you happy stories. I promise to do my best to never let him be forgotten and to share the wonderful memories that we have of him. When he passed away we found pictures of you and Caleb - his two grandsons. I know that he died loving you. Happy birthday Bob Harshman. . .
Today is Grandpa Harshman's birthday, he would have been 62 this year. I am saddened that you will never get to know him, saddened because the bond between a grandchild and grandparent can be so special. However, just because he is gone, this does not mean that you will never know him. Today we sang him Happy Birthday and I showed you pictures of him and told you happy stories. I promise to do my best to never let him be forgotten and to share the wonderful memories that we have of him. When he passed away we found pictures of you and Caleb - his two grandsons. I know that he died loving you. Happy birthday Bob Harshman. . .
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Grandpa Harshman, Daddy and Caden |
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Dear Caden,
The past few days have been cloudy with a chance of yuck. The weather has shown it's nasty, wintery side lately with it being cold, cloudy and lots of really wet mist. You are sitting on the floor playing with your cars when the clouds broke and a very bright ray of sunshine came through. You started yelling, "Mooooomma! I metting (melting!)" Too much Wizard of Oz?
The past few days have been cloudy with a chance of yuck. The weather has shown it's nasty, wintery side lately with it being cold, cloudy and lots of really wet mist. You are sitting on the floor playing with your cars when the clouds broke and a very bright ray of sunshine came through. You started yelling, "Mooooomma! I metting (melting!)" Too much Wizard of Oz?
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Mr. Seahorse & Teddy
Dear Caden,
Transitioning you to a big boy bed wasn't as difficult as I had anticipated. At night time, where it REALLY matters, you are excellent by staying put until morning. Nap time however is a completely different story. As I sit downstairs patting myself on the back for making it til nap time, it happens. I imagine you sliding stealthily off the side of your bed like a slug, so as not to be heard. Ever so softly I hear the sound of a dresser drawer sliding is beginning. The pitter patter of your feet sounding as if you were doing some wild tribal dance upstairs is a dead give away that you are not interested in a visit with Mr. Sandman. I decide to spring in and surprise you, catching you in the act. You have stripped yourself down to your diaper with one sock halfway on your foot and the other you are wearing as a glove. Mr. Seahorse and your teddy are sitting in the middle of your floor apparently encouraging your crazy antics. Since I know you are completely innocent and clearly easily swayed by others- Mr. Seahorse and teddy will nap by themselves tomorrow. I know they put you up to this.
Transitioning you to a big boy bed wasn't as difficult as I had anticipated. At night time, where it REALLY matters, you are excellent by staying put until morning. Nap time however is a completely different story. As I sit downstairs patting myself on the back for making it til nap time, it happens. I imagine you sliding stealthily off the side of your bed like a slug, so as not to be heard. Ever so softly I hear the sound of a dresser drawer sliding is beginning. The pitter patter of your feet sounding as if you were doing some wild tribal dance upstairs is a dead give away that you are not interested in a visit with Mr. Sandman. I decide to spring in and surprise you, catching you in the act. You have stripped yourself down to your diaper with one sock halfway on your foot and the other you are wearing as a glove. Mr. Seahorse and your teddy are sitting in the middle of your floor apparently encouraging your crazy antics. Since I know you are completely innocent and clearly easily swayed by others- Mr. Seahorse and teddy will nap by themselves tomorrow. I know they put you up to this.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Daddy's Birthday Cake
Dear Caden,
I will never again judge other animals for eating their young. I can completely understand now.
I will never again judge other animals for eating their young. I can completely understand now.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Dear Caden,
You are devouring pizza when suddenly you stop. You lift up your shirt and point to your nipple informing me that it was a, "pup-oni!" Close. Mommy is now picking off the rest of the pepperoni on her pizza.
You are devouring pizza when suddenly you stop. You lift up your shirt and point to your nipple informing me that it was a, "pup-oni!" Close. Mommy is now picking off the rest of the pepperoni on her pizza.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Dear Caden,
"I huuuungy Momma! Hungy!" This apparently is a state of emergency in your book. You then start listing off what you like:
"I like waffles! I like nanas! I like nacks! I like she fay (Chick-fil-A)! "I like ongs (oranges)! I hungy!" getting more excited as you continue on.
"Caden, are you ready to eat?" (stupid question, I know)
You then let out a long sigh, as if saying 'If I must' "Oooootay."
Sorry I twisted your arm.
"I huuuungy Momma! Hungy!" This apparently is a state of emergency in your book. You then start listing off what you like:
"I like waffles! I like nanas! I like nacks! I like she fay (Chick-fil-A)! "I like ongs (oranges)! I hungy!" getting more excited as you continue on.
"Caden, are you ready to eat?" (stupid question, I know)
You then let out a long sigh, as if saying 'If I must' "Oooootay."
Sorry I twisted your arm.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Dear Caden,
Last night when the clock struck midnight a new year began. A new year is like opening an empty book with blank pages. As the days unfold, the adventures that we share will spill onto those pages and a new book will be written. It is up to us to decide how well that book will turn out. Will it be filled with stories of anger, tears, laughter or love? As with all good novels, it should be eclectic and filled with all of these parts.
While there will be many people who hide away from the bad days, you must learn to embrace them. For these are the days where the most lessons, if you let them, can be learned. Life, unfortunately, is not always filled with sunny days. . . rainbows always come out after a storm. It is after these storms that God reminds us of His promise. So face your rainy days with mud boots on and an umbrella. Don't despair if you forget your raincoat or umbrella, instead - look up into the sky, stretch out your arms, make wild splashes in the puddles and dance.
Make sure that you laugh this year. Not with just smiles and giggles, but with deep belly laughs. Laughter is most definitely the best medicine. Do not be afraid to laugh at yourself. People enjoy those with a sense of humor, it is like a breath of fresh air. A rough day can be transformed by a simple laugh.
There are people in other countries who have far less than we have and yet appear to be extremely rich. Count your blessings, no matter how small they may seem. Be thankful for all that you have. These people know what is truly important in life. While it is nice to have material items that isn't what counts. The most important things in life are relationships. Your relationship with God, with family and with friends must be nurtured so that they can grow. These relationships are what will help you when life throws a curve ball.
This year I wish that you just live life and enjoy it to the fullest. Use your imagination and have adventures. Don't be afraid to dream big and to try new things. Do something great this year and make a difference in the best way that you know how. Use the talents that God gave you, give hugs and kisses and be friends with those that are different. Make this year a year of greatness. Grow into the amazing person that you are meant to be, but grow slowly for life has a way of speeding by. Be a child for as long as possible and snuggle with Mommy and Daddy. Welcome to 2013.
Last night when the clock struck midnight a new year began. A new year is like opening an empty book with blank pages. As the days unfold, the adventures that we share will spill onto those pages and a new book will be written. It is up to us to decide how well that book will turn out. Will it be filled with stories of anger, tears, laughter or love? As with all good novels, it should be eclectic and filled with all of these parts.
While there will be many people who hide away from the bad days, you must learn to embrace them. For these are the days where the most lessons, if you let them, can be learned. Life, unfortunately, is not always filled with sunny days. . . rainbows always come out after a storm. It is after these storms that God reminds us of His promise. So face your rainy days with mud boots on and an umbrella. Don't despair if you forget your raincoat or umbrella, instead - look up into the sky, stretch out your arms, make wild splashes in the puddles and dance.
Make sure that you laugh this year. Not with just smiles and giggles, but with deep belly laughs. Laughter is most definitely the best medicine. Do not be afraid to laugh at yourself. People enjoy those with a sense of humor, it is like a breath of fresh air. A rough day can be transformed by a simple laugh.
There are people in other countries who have far less than we have and yet appear to be extremely rich. Count your blessings, no matter how small they may seem. Be thankful for all that you have. These people know what is truly important in life. While it is nice to have material items that isn't what counts. The most important things in life are relationships. Your relationship with God, with family and with friends must be nurtured so that they can grow. These relationships are what will help you when life throws a curve ball.
This year I wish that you just live life and enjoy it to the fullest. Use your imagination and have adventures. Don't be afraid to dream big and to try new things. Do something great this year and make a difference in the best way that you know how. Use the talents that God gave you, give hugs and kisses and be friends with those that are different. Make this year a year of greatness. Grow into the amazing person that you are meant to be, but grow slowly for life has a way of speeding by. Be a child for as long as possible and snuggle with Mommy and Daddy. Welcome to 2013.
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