Dear Caden,
Last night when the clock struck midnight a new year began. A new year is like opening an empty book with blank pages. As the days unfold, the adventures that we share will spill onto those pages and a new book will be written. It is up to us to decide how well that book will turn out. Will it be filled with stories of anger, tears, laughter or love? As with all good novels, it should be eclectic and filled with all of these parts.
While there will be many people who hide away from the bad days, you must learn to embrace them. For these are the days where the most lessons, if you let them, can be learned. Life, unfortunately, is not always filled with sunny days. . . rainbows always come out after a storm. It is after these storms that God reminds us of His promise. So face your rainy days with mud boots on and an umbrella. Don't despair if you forget your raincoat or umbrella, instead - look up into the sky, stretch out your arms, make wild splashes in the puddles and dance.
Make sure that you laugh this year. Not with just smiles and giggles, but with deep belly laughs. Laughter is most definitely the best medicine. Do not be afraid to laugh at yourself. People enjoy those with a sense of humor, it is like a breath of fresh air. A rough day can be transformed by a simple laugh.
There are people in other countries who have far less than we have and yet appear to be extremely rich. Count your blessings, no matter how small they may seem. Be thankful for all that you have. These people know what is truly important in life. While it is nice to have material items that isn't what counts. The most important things in life are relationships. Your relationship with God, with family and with friends must be nurtured so that they can grow. These relationships are what will help you when life throws a curve ball.
This year I wish that you just live life and enjoy it to the fullest. Use your imagination and have adventures. Don't be afraid to dream big and to try new things. Do something great this year and make a difference in the best way that you know how. Use the talents that God gave you, give hugs and kisses and be friends with those that are different. Make this year a year of greatness. Grow into the amazing person that you are meant to be, but grow slowly for life has a way of speeding by. Be a child for as long as possible and snuggle with Mommy and Daddy. Welcome to 2013.
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