Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Midnight Snacks

Dear Caden,

It all started with the baby gate at the top of the stairs left open overnight. Not the best move on my part. I wake up at 3:30 in the morning with extreme nausea so I decide to go downstairs to make me some chamomile tea. At first I panic as I see you laying on the kitchen floor, not moving. As I race closer I hear a crunch! Crunch! I look down at my bare foot and see a very sticky and very crunched piece of cereal stuck to the bottom. Crunch! I hear a slight sigh and I see you in the middle of the kitchen floor, peacefully sleeping surrounded by mounds of lucky charms drenched in pancake syrup. Apparently your grilled chicken and fruit for dinner wasn't enough to satisfy your hunger. Your choice in a midnight snack makes me nervous of your teenage years to come. Next time can you just come get Mommy first? And could you please not do this right after the floor was mopped?


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