Dear Caden,
Wednesday is one of your most favorite days of the week. It is 'show and tell' day at your school and you love digging in your toys to find something fun to show off. This week was the letter "C" and you chose to bring your camera.
"Mom, I need you to write my name on it so I don't lose it."
"Ok love." (Gets permanent marker and starts writing)
"Wait! Stop!" (Holds hands up with wide eyes)
"I need to tell you how to write my name! You don't know how to spell it!"
"Ahhh! Good point..." (trying hard not to smile, of course)
"It's C-A-D-E-N space H polka dot F"
"What is the F for?"
"Fire Rope, it's my name"
I finish writing your name on the camera and show it to you for your approval.
"Caden H. F"
You grab it from my hand and skip away, pleased.
You first started calling yourself "Fire rope" around Thanksgiving. I thought it was a phase, but you will sometimes flat out ignore me until I call you by 'your name'. You've even created a song about Fire rope, and yes, your daddy and I have sung it with you. And I must admit, when you said 'polka dot' instead of period, I couldn't hold in the laughter, but I didn't have the heart to correct you either. Oh to have the eyes of a child...You make my world so much brighter. I love you my sweet Fire rope Caden.
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