Thursday, August 28, 2014

Microwave Munchies

Dear Caden,

You know what a microwave is. You've seen me use it many times and you enjoy helping me press the buttons to get it started. Therefore, I am legitimately stumped and have no clue as to why today you are sprawled out on the couch crying, and I mean hard-core, devastated crying. You are crushed. Apparently today you feel that this mystical machine has eaten your dinner and "I am soooo hungry and it ate it all gone! And that was the last piece of chicken strips and I like chicken strips!" You finally were consoled once I picked you up and you could see through the door that your food was there and intact. Oh my sweet, dear Caden. We've all had days like this.


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Lollipop Tears

Dear Jacob,

I see your beautiful, blue eyes flood with tears and you begin to frantically move your hand across your chest signing "please." I have come to the realization that life is difficult. It is even more so when you lose your beloved, sticky lollipop.


Sunday, August 24, 2014

Missing Letters

Dear Mommy,

I miss my letters that you were writing me. Where did they go? I know it isn't for lack of material on my part. Remember the time I painted the bathroom mirror with toothpaste? You muttered about that for days. Or when I spilled half the bottle of the bubbles for bath time on the floor, and then I tried to hide it by covering it up with the bathroom mat? You found out anyway. By the way, I know you had just mopped the bathroom floor but for future reference, I prefer the smell of strawberries to the awful smell of your stuff. I told you and told you it was better. Get to writing or we will be forced to send 'Mikagangelo' (Michelangelo) the Ninja Turtle after you.  You've been warned.

Caden & Jacob the sidekick