Saturday, November 30, 2013


Dear Caden,

"No Caden, please stop pulling that down! Let's play with this instead"
"No Caden, don't touch that! Here, you can touch this."
"Caden, please stop! Why don't we come over here and play with this instead"

All my efforts to distract you from all the glittery things appears to be failing. If it is shiny, it is calling your name.

Suddenly you walk up to me, point your finger at my face and in a gravely, robotic voice you look me dead center in the eye saying those dreaded words, "Exterminate! Exterminate!"

You are such a cute little Dalek. Just remember, I know the Doctor.


Friday, November 29, 2013

Give Thanks

Dear Caden,

The dust has settled. The Presidential turkeys, Popcorn and Caramel, have been pardoned. Homes are strewn with empty plates covered with crumbs. Half eaten pies and casseroles line up on the counters. The men are in a semi coma state watching the football games, groaning with full bellies and yelling at the referee. The women are chatting amongst themselves as they begin to clean up, shooing away the children as they come in to sneak one more sweet treat. The house is filled with laughter, sometimes tears, as stories are swapped, remembering those that were here last year that have gone ahead to receive their Heavenly reward. The warmth of the fire crackling in the corner leaves sweaters and jackets laying on the floor. The kids run around chasing each other, their laughter echoing off the walls. Yes, friends and family. There is so much to be thankful for.

The dust has settled. Some that were scheduled for execution miraculously just received pardoned. Homes are strewn with empty plates, covered in dust from lack of use. Half eaten rolls, meats and dried out casseroles dug from the dumpsters lay on the counter. Men stand hyper vigilant, groaning with fear and yelling at those that are outside set to attack their homes. Women huddle amongst themselves, holding their children close for safety. Others hold their children, praying and wishing they had food to fill their empty bellies, sweets are things of fantasies. The houses are filled silence, fear and tears. Plans of how to outwit the fighting outside, to survive to the next day are swapped. Others say their thanks for the meager amounts of food they have on their table, trying to be thankful for what they have now, suppressing the uncertainty of where their next meal will come from. The mothers and fathers of these families allow their children the first pass at the food, possibly not getting any for themselves, so that their little ones will not go hungry. They remember those that have gone ahead to receive their Heavenly reward, many way too soon before their time due to hunger, unnecessary violence and war. The coldness of these houses have many shivering, longing for appropriate sweaters and jackets. The children run around warming up, some are able to laugh because their parents have shielded them from the harshness of the reality they are facing. Others are too sick and too hungry, their cries echoing off the walls. Yes, friends and family. With so very little, they are so thankful for what they have.

For FOOD, in a world where many walk in hunger. . .
For FAITH, in a world where many walk in fear. . .
For FRIENDS, in a world where many walk alone. . .
We give thanks


Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Dear Caden,

They call it the "Terrible Two's" and they say it will test your patience as a parent. I must politely disagree. There are no nifty sayings for the "Three's" and I think it is in part because parents who are lucky enough to survive this age group with children have become so shocked as to what just happened to them that they promptly try to erase any memory of it. "Tumultuous", "Terrifying" or how about "Traumatizing". . . perhaps those are good words to describe the Three's. It must get better, the human race depends on it, otherwise families wouldn't have more than one child. Even with all the craziness that ensues, it all disappears the moment that you wrap your arms around me or with the whispers and giggles of, "Noooo I love YOOOUUU more!" right before bedtime. Forget the toys strewn across the floor, the chocolate and snot smeared walls, the Michelangelo-esq crayon drawing on my prized piece of furniture. Your face squished up against mine as you hug me till I holler, ahhh yes, the "Terrific" Three's.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Naked Dinosaurs

Dear Caden,

Rooooooaaaawr!Grrrrrrr! Roooooaaaaawwwwwr!"
It is 0530 in the morning and I hear the sounds of growling  and roaring all the way across the house. Apparently, someone has released the Kraken.
I open the door and you jump out at me, "Rooooaaawr! I eat you Momma!"
"Ahhhh! Oh no!" I feign being frightened which just melts you into a fit of giggles.
I steer you to your dresser, "C'mon Caden, let's pick out our clothes so we can get dressed."
"No! I blue dinosaur! Roaaawr!"
You attach yourself onto my leg pretending to munch on it.
"Ok blue dinosaur, let's get our clothes so we can get dressed."
"No Momma! I blue dinosaur! Blue dinosaurs no wear clothes! Roooaaawr!"
You shove Nubby, your blue dinosaur puzzle piece in my face to show me the lack of clothing on it.
Well my dear Caden, blue dinosaurs, pirates, monkeys and whatever your little mind decides to be tomorrow, all are required wear clothes in this house. Plus, it's cold outside.


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Hit or Miss

Dear Caden,

I see you standing in front of the toilet, standing on your tippy toes trying to reach. You insist on being a "big boy" when using the potty now, preferring standing over sitting. You are also a being of little patience and unless something happens quickly, you tend to lose focus and want to move on. Today it took a little longer for you to tinkle than you anticipated. Now, I know I am not an expert of using the potty while standing as I have different plumbing than you. However, I do not think it to be wise to hold your tinker up to inspect it while waiting for something to happen. It may be a hit or miss situation for you to figure out what happens next - today was a hit.


Saturday, November 16, 2013


Babies are a gift from God. It does not matter if they were planned or not planned. It doesn't matter how the baby came into being; by natural conception or via assistance through fertilization. God breathed the breath of life into the child and made his heart to beat. Simple as that. Therefore, it is my opinion that every child should be celebrated in their own way.

One of my friends recently found out that she was pregnant and this child was quite unexpected. It has come to my attention that some of her friends and family are giving her grief about how close together her children will be. The youngest child just recently turned one and will be a year and a half when the newest addition debuts.

Another friend of mine has four children under the age of five. The first comment out of the mouth of the majority when they hear this is, "OMG. She does know what causes that, right?!"

When I was pregnant with Jacob, I lost count of how many people said to me, "You're not having anymore are you?"

Since when, may I ask, is it anyone's business on how close together children are or how many kids one will have? The next person I hear make a comment about 'knowing how this happens' I will bluntly ask them, "Are you asking about their sex life?" You do not know what is going on in their lives. You do not know if the mother that had multiple kids back to back was told that she would never have children. You do not know if she has cried herself to sleep, just praying to get a positive on her pregnancy test after years of having a barren womb. You do not know how excited she may be for the new life inside her. Perhaps she or her significant other were an only child and they know the loneliness it can have and they don't want that for their own child. You do not know if her significant other was killed and that the only link she has to him is that of her children. You do not know if the child inside her was a surprise and unexpected. That just last week she was sitting on the Dr's table finding out the news that she would deliver, when all she can think of is, "God help me, how can I do this?" That the smile on their face is hiding the sheer terror and uncertainty they are feeling. This is not to say that the child is not loved or will be taken care of, but doesn't necessarily fit into life's timeline that they had set for themselves. You do not know if this child was created through an act of love or an act of pain. You may assume, but unless you were involved in the creation of the child, you do not know.

Asking a woman if she is "stopping" after this one is down out rude. It is none of your business. In my case,  my pregnancy with Caden was very difficult. I was extremely sick the entire time and I contracted since I was 12 weeks. I was in a serious accident that caused me to contract. I was almost hit by a car while walking to work one morning and I jumped out of the way. I fractured my knee cap and landed directly on my belly. THAT was the moment my contractions started. Caden were born at 39 wks, absolutely perfect. Afterwards I was very sick, but they found out that I had pregnancy thyroiditis which was corrected. When Cayce and I were considering having another child, we went to my many DRs to get clearance first. We wanted to make sure that it would be safe for me and the baby since my first pregnancy was difficult. Each pregnancy is very different and carries it's own set of challenges. With Jacob, I was still sick, but not as bad and I was able to keep working until I was 37 weeks which is a feat for a normal pregnancy. I delivered him on my due date at 40 weeks. My delivery was very traumatic and everyone has said it was because I was trying for a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). That is not necessarily true, I had a weak uterus and I tore an artery. Jacob's delivery presented this information to us. Just think, if I would have scheduled a repeat c-section with Jacob and decided to try for a 3rd child later on, my weak uterus could have ruptured in the early stages of pregnancy and Cayce would have found me dead at home because I bled out. Jacob's delivery, no matter how unexpected and traumatic, ultimately saved my life. I feel extremely blessed and my life is full with two children. No, I was not planning on having a 3rd, but now that the option is taken from me it hurts. It hurts even more to be reminded of it when people make their comments of how many children I should have. It also hurts when people say I shouldn't have had Jacob in the first place because I am so sick. I know my own body, you don't. Cayce and I prayed over this pregnancy and it felt right. I do not regret my decision and I would do it all over again. If one lived their life because of all the 'what ifs' then they are not living at all.

Instead of being so judgmental of the choices that people make, why not support them? Instead of saying, "She does know how that happens" perhaps say, "She must be one amazing woman." Raising children is no easy task, the fact that one is willing to raise more than one and do it relatively close together signifies to me that they have superpowers. You aren't living her life, you aren't paying her bills and unless you are one of the two in creation, you have no right to judge. Get off your high horse and give encouragement. I understand that most of these comments are made in passing, without intent of harm, but they can and do hurt. Start offering words of love and help. Pregnancy and children are a beautiful thing, let it stay that way.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Making Science

Dear Caden,

I understand that you were just making science, however, it is not acceptable to pour an entire bottle of syrup into the brand new box of cocoa crispies.


Monday, November 11, 2013


Dear Caden,

I see you run to me, your face lit up with a grin a mile wide and arms outstretched. I pick you up and twirl you around, kissing underneath your neck until you squeal with laughter. I put you down and you run across the yard giggling at the birds that fly against the backdrop of the beautiful pink and orange evening sky. I watch you squatting on the sidewalk, poking your finger in a hole in the concrete.
"Look Momma! Hole!"
"Yes Caden, that is a hole. Don't stick your finger in it sweetie, that is yuck."
This prompts you to immediately stick your finger further in the hole.
""Loooook! Momma do it."
"No Caden, Mommy isn't going to stick her finger in the hole. That is yuck."
"Momma, sidewalk broken, need bandaid!"
"The sidewalk isn't broken baby, it is ok."
You stare at me, thinking until you finally sigh, "Ohhhtay. Blow kiss it Mommy."
"Mwah! All better."
Happy with my blow kiss, you scamper off and begin to play with something else. I look at you, your innocence and my heart is so very thankful. Thankful that you are able to run free outside and laugh at birds in the sky and not worry about gunshots flying. Thankful that we can play hide and seek for fun and not for fear. Thankful that the hole in the concrete is just the size of your finger and not the size of a crater made by a bomb. Thankful that you will be able to grow up and be a man with the opportunity to become whatever you put your mind to. Thankful that as we sit down to dinner tonight, that we have plates that are full and leftovers for later. Thankful we have clean, running water to drink and bathe in. Thankful that tonight when I kiss you goodnight that you will be able to sleep peacefully, with the sounds of a waterfall gently lulling you into dreamland. Thankful that your dreams will be about laughter, games, swashbuckling and magic. Thankful that you are safe, in my arms and in my home. Thankful.

Thank you to all the Veterans who make my life a reality. Veterans day shouldn't be just one day of the year, it should be every day. Past, present and future - your sacrifices will never be forgotten. Thankful for all the mothers and fathers, wives and husbands who give their loved ones to our country. I live in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave and my children do not know fear because of all that you do. I promise to do my best to teach my children to respect our country. For with all it's flaws, America is still great. I will teach my sons to stand when the flag is being walked in, even if they are the only ones doing so. I will teach them to hold their hands over their heart while saying the pledge of Allegiance, and to be silent - truly silent - for the moments that we pause to remember those who have given the ultimate sacrifice. I will share the history of our country with them, for they are so much more than just stories, they are the blood, sweat and tears that our great nation is built upon. I will teach my sons to honor and respect those who are serving our country. To have patience and love; to help those who have retired or are disabled. I will teach them to give of their time to those who gave so much, whom sadly, have been forgotten by so many. So tonight as we wrap up a beautiful day filled with sunshine and laughter, know that you are appreciated and it is because of you that we are so blessed. We are thankful.


"Momma, sidewalk broken, need bandaid!"

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Feed On

Dear Caden,

I hear you make a fake burping sound. This is nothing new to me so I continue on with what I am doing.
"Bleeeeeeuuuuup! Ew yuck!"
This gets me to peek around the corner and I see you with your shirt lifted up holding your Buzz Lightyear toy to your chest. You sit there 'feeding' him, slowly rocking back and forth. Then you place him over your shoulder and start patting him on the back.
You catch me peeking on you.
"Momma! Buzz Lightyear spit up! Ew yuck!"
You take your shirt and rub Buzz Lightyear's face.
While I know that others may get their knickers in a wad reading this, it makes my heart happy knowing that I have successfully planted the seeds of breastfeeding into the next generation. Feed on.


Friday, November 8, 2013


Dear Caden,

If you are going to get a good night's sleep, there are five things that you insist on having in your possession :

1. Your blue and white little car
2. Your minky blanket made by Esther Murphy
3. A pair of socks
4. Mr. Seahorse
5. Your little blue dinosaur

If any one of these items are missing then bedtime becomes quite the nightmare. Each item is special to you in it's own right. The car is the perfect fit for you to 'drive' it up and down your bed frame. The blanket is extremely soft and has your name on it. Anything with your name on it goes up a notch of awesomeness in your book. The socks, well, you currently have this weird sock fetish that has been going on the past few months. The key is that they must be put on by you after we have already tucked you into bed. Mr Seahorse, who recently had a disgusting incontinent episode, has been your oldest and longest friend. He went to the hospital with you when you had your cranio surgery and provided you comfort. Unbeknownst to you, we have 2 seahorses, in the event that we have to wash him. You love to chew on Seahorse's tail until it is disgustingly sopping wet and no matter how many times we have requested for you to stop, it seems to just solidify your resolve to chew on it more. You also like to shove his tail in our faces and ask if we could kiss his tail because it is now "ew yuck" from your slobber. Lastly, your blue dinosaur is a piece from a dinosaur puzzle that Aunt Sam gave you. Blue dinosaur has undergone some interesting changes since coming into your care. I believe it all started when you decided to use him as a chew toy while you were teething, but now you tend to nibble on him all the time. We've started affectionately calling the blue dinosaur "Nubby" as he is missing half of his face and most of his tail. You and Nubby do almost everything together, he helps you brush your teeth, get ready for bed by turning on your night light, he turns on your music, ect. While I am not a fan of you nibbling on Nubby, I suppose it is a source of fiber. I just don't know what we are going to do when Nubby has been nubbed into nothing. I suppose we will just cross that bridge when we come to it. Tonight you asked me to kiss Nubby and pray for him because he apparently didn't feel good. I knelt beside you and we prayed for Nubby to feel better. Thank you for reminding me that even the smallest things in life are important.


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Neverland Second Star

Dear Caden,

You've always loved the moon and the stars and most every night we will take you outside so that you can look at them. The past week you've been pointing to a really bright star and saying something, but we couldn't understand. Thanks to a friend at work who gave me a suggestion, last night we finally figured it out: "Momma, look! Neverland second star! Look! I hold it!" I look up at the twinkling star and see the brightness reflecting in your eyes. I hug you tight and breathe in the smells of childhood. May you never forget the excitement of Neverland, may your dreams take you to a world of swashbuckling pirates and magical faeries. May your imagination allow you to soar and fly to heights you never thought possible. May you never grow old.


Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Dear Caden,

"Loooook Momma! Snow!" It does not snow in Houston. Please explain to me why there is a mountain of white powder all over the floor in which you are gleefully playing with your little Jake and Hook figurines in. While baby powder smells nice, it isn't at all nice to clean up.


Monday, November 4, 2013

Him and Hers

Dear Caden,

Lately we've been trying to teach you the difference between "him" and "her." We aren't talking about body parts but rather that girls are "hers" and boys are "hims." Every afternoon when you see me after work you will run up to me with your arms up and earnestly say, "Momma! I hold him!" Which is your way of saying that you want me to pick you up so you can hold and love on me. We gently correct you and say, "Mommy is a girl, mommy is a she. You hold her" and you will repeat it and climb into my arms. You are so very smart and have been doing an exceptional job of learning this he/she/him/her stuff. The other night you were playing with Tiger, our male cat, and you said that you needed to give "her" a night night hug. Daddy said, "Caden, Tiger is a boy. You hug him." You quickly quipped back shaking your pointer finger back and forth, "No. No, no, no, no, no. Tiger not him, Tiger he. I hug he." Technically you are correct, Tiger is a he. You are one smart cookie.


Sunday, November 3, 2013

Goodnight Moon

Dear Caden,

Every night before bed time we read you books of your choice. For the past year you have requested "Goodnight Moon" Every. Single. Night.

Tonight you surprised us though. Tonight you said that YOU wanted to read it. So, we opened it up and you read us the entire book, all by yourself. Yes, I know you weren't actually 'reading' per say and that it was done by memory, but I am still super proud. You are exceptional.


Saturday, November 2, 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday!!!

Dear Caden,

On November 2, 2010 at 1323 I heard the most beautiful sound of your cries for the first time. After several weeks on bed rest and being sick the entire pregnancy, I got to hold you. Your little eyes stared at me and I knew that my life would be forever changed. Happy 3rd birthday to my little pirate Caden. I adore you with my entire being and I would do anything for you. You made me a Mommy and you made us a family. You definitely add spice, oh lots and lots of spice, to our lives. I pray that you have many more years to celebrate! May today be filled with pirates, waffles, cupcakes, candy, more cupcakes and more pirates, tic-tock croc, balloons, and did I mention cupcakes? So lets blow out your candles, celebrate and make your wish. . . this year is the best yet!


Happy birthday to Great Grandpa Harshman, although you never got to meet him, you were born on his birthday. I know Grandpa Harshman and Great Grandpa Harshman have a front row seat in Heaven watching you today.