Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Always Kiss Me Bye Bye

Dear Caden,

I know that God always watches out for us, continually working in our lives. Today I actually witnessed the Hand of God watching out for us and to be completely honest, it shook me to my core and humbled me.

This morning as we got up and ate breakfast, and yes- you had your yummy waffles, we scurried around the house finishing getting ready to start the day. You picked out your outfit and you insisted on wearing your shoes instead of your sandals. Then you insisted on me reading you several books and showing me how your play mower worked. I am sorry that towards the end I was getting antsy, Mommy had a Dr appointment she needed to be heading to and I needed to take you to Mrs. Vickie's house so you could have fun and play. It always is so hard to stop your playing and snuggles to go bye bye, and today even more so because you were in such a great mood and so playful.

You finally agreed to go bye bye, waving at Tiger and Lilly and gave Daddy several kisses and hugs. I scooped you up in my arms with your milk and back pack in hand and headed out the door. You opened up the garage door, which you think is the coolest thing to do, and we head towards Mommy's car. You kept pointing behind me saying, "Bye bye!"  Suddenly it hit me, I didn't get a hug and kiss bye bye from Daddy! Even though my hands were quite full, we went back inside and you got more hugs and kisses from Daddy, and Mommy got her hug and kiss bye bye. Now we could leave, we were on our way to conquer the day.

As were were singing along to the radio, and by the way- I adore your singing, we came up to an intersection. Our light had turned green and it was our turn, and suddenly the vehicle that was 2 cars ahead of us got hit by someone running a red light. The car spun around, and glass flew everywhere. It seemed as if time had stopped. I grabbed my phone and called it in, grabbed you out of the car and ran to the wreck. Before I got there, thankfully everyone was already climbing out of  their vehicles. Within minutes, emergency crews were on the scene and we were free to go.
What made me shook me, and made me cry was where the car was hit. The oncoming car hit on your side of the car, right where you sit. Knowing that you would have been the one most injured had we been the one hit is unimaginable. It hurts to write this because it just reminds me that life is so fragile and fleeting. We must enjoy everyday to it's fullest. My Caden, I love you with everything in me, and after your surgery and seizure, I apologize if Mommy is a little clingy. It amazes me how God uses us in His plans and sometimes allows us glimpses of His work right as it is happening...reading extra books, wearing shoes over sandals...and going back for a forgotten bye bye kiss.

So, as you get older and you go from riding your Transformers scooter, to your tricycle, to a big boy bike and then to your real car (gulp!), promise Mommy that you will always kiss everyone bye bye. Even if you are buckled in and have the car in reverse, if you forgot...please go back and kiss us. You never know when it is God kissing us, saying, "All is well my child, this is my Plan."
Always kiss me bye bye.


1 comment:

  1. Absolutely LOVE this, and needed the reminder of how fragile life is today... thanks for sharing, Jerusha!
