Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Dear Caden,

Oxford's dictionary describes the word dream as a cherished aspiration, ambition or ideal.

Fifty years ago today, a black gentleman stood up and faced thousands of people and rallied for a better life for his fellow brethren. He has a dream. Martin Luther King Jr. had to fight a battle that he should have never had to fight. America the Great is so very blessed, but sadly, she has made many mistakes. Some generations grew up thinking that not every one was equal, that one could be judged by the color of their skin and not for who they really were. They were afraid of anyone who was different than they were, the unknowns. Hatred manifested on both sides and many lives, including Mr. King's were lost. He has a dream. Mr. King was not just a right's activist, he was a man of Faith. A man who raised his family in the Word of God, a man who was not afraid to kneel and pray. He raised his children to be God fearing and honest. Sadly, Mr. King did not get to see the manifestations of all his work, but his legacy lives on and his children are living his dream. He has a dream. I say the word has instead of had because his dream lives on in all of us. The fight against racial prejudices still occur, but it is deeper than that. It's the fight for humanity itself. As your mother I will do my best to raise you and your brother to also be God fearing and honest. To know that we all bleed the same no matter the color of our skin, our educational background, our wealth or lack thereof. I will do my best to encourage you, to believe the impossible for you and to stand up for you. I want you to know your self worth, to know just how amazing you truly are and for you to just be yourself. I want you to be able to hold on to a stranger's hand and stand up together for what is right. I want you to smash prejudices and break away from the mundane. I want you to befriend those that are different than you, and when you do you may realize that they are more similar to you than you thought. That homeless person that you pass everyday is someone's baby; a mother once rocked them and held them closely. They are more than just a body taking up space, they have a story, they have a life. They too have dreams. Help them, reach out to them, believe in them, take them by the hand and dream with them. The world is hurting, humanity is crying for someone to take a stand, for someone to still dream. America was built on the dreams of our Forefathers, let that not be in vain. I want you to grow up and make a difference in your world. I want you to dream. I want you to look your fears in the eye and not back down. I want you to know that you, my Dear Caden, can build on Mr. King's dream and make a better world for yourself and for others. Everything was said to be impossible until it was done, so strive for the impossible. The world is hurting, America's dreams are turning into nightmares. Be that difference. I want you to dream. When you fall down, and you will, get back up. "Don't look at them as low points. Look at them as launch pads. There will always be dips in life, life is a rollercoaster." -Will. I. Am. So tonight as I tuck you into bed, I promise to do my best to practice what I preach. I promise to be that difference in my world because I know your little eyes are watching as Mr. King's children were watching him. For I too, have a dream.


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